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Brown Sugar Recipe

Nikujaga (Stewed Meat and Potatoes)

Berry Waffles

材料 | Ingredients: 

牛肉薄片 150g

鰹魚汁 1湯匙

薯仔 4個

水 2大杯

洋蔥 1個

沖繩黑糖塊 3塊

紅蘿蔔 1條

豉油 4湯匙

150g thinly sliced beef loin

4 potatoes

1 onion cut into wedges

1 carrot

Bonito stock (katsuo dashi)

2 cups water

3 chunks brown sugar

4 tbsp soy sauce

步驟 | Steps:

  1. 熱鍋起油,先炒牛肉,再加入切塊的蔬菜拌炒。

  2. 加水煮沸後,去除漂浮物雜質,再放入黑糖和醬油。

  3. 小火燉煮,待湯汁剩三分一時轉大火,水收乾即完成!

  1. Heat oil in a large pot and cook the beef. Add the carrot, potatoes and then onion to cook.

  2. Pour in water and bring to a boil. Skim off the scum, and add brown sugar chunks and soy sauce.

  3. Turn down the heat to low and simmer. When the amount of water in the pot is reduced to 1/3, turn up to heat to high and simmer until the water is almost gone.




Learn more about Okinawa brown sugar
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