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Brown Sugar Recipe

Beef Tendon Stew with Brown Sugar

Berry Waffles


牛筋 300g

蒜頭 1片

生薑 2片

辣椒 1條

麻油 1湯匙

胡椒 適量

沖繩黑糖粉 3湯匙

醬油 2湯匙

紅蘿蔔 1條

椰菜 1/4個

蒟蒻 100g

300g beef tendon

1 clove garlic

2 pieces ginger

1 chili pepper

1 tablespoon sesame oil

Pepper (appropriate amount)

3 tablespoon Okinawa brown sugar powder

2 tablespoon soy sauce

Salt (appropriate amount)

1 carrot

1/4 cabbage

100g konnyaku


  1. 將牛筋放在水中煮(水量不要蓋過牛筋,大約是看得到牛筋露出水面的程度),煮滾後倒掉水,再將牛筋切成一口大小。然後再將牛筋放在鍋裏,一邊撇去浮沫並燉煮2小時。(煮時要一邊加水,不要讓牛筋露出水面)

  2. 除去煮完的牛筋的水份和汁備用。將蒜頭和1片生薑切碎備用,去除辣椒中的辣椒籽備用。

  3. 紅蘿蔔切圓片後用水煮熟備用。椰菜切成大塊備用。蒟蒻表面加上淺十字花刀,再切成一口大小,用水煮熟備用。

  4. 在鑊中倒入麻油,再加入已切碎的蒜頭和1片生薑及辣椒炒,炒至有香味時加入牛筋和撒上胡椒炒。鑊中所有食材都沾上油後,再加入所有剩下來的食材炒勻。

  1. Place beef tendon in a pot. Pour in the water until most of the beef is covered but the top surface is slightly sticking out of the water, and turn on the heat. When the water comes to a boil, discard the water, rince, and cut into bite-sized pieces. Place them in a pot, pour in plenty of water, and boil for about 2 hours while skimming off the scum. Add more water as needed to make sure the beef is always covered with water.

  2. Drain off the water from the boiled beef tendon. Finely chop the 1 clove of garlic and 1 piece of ginger, and remove seeds from the chilli pepper.

  3. Cut the carrot into round slices and boil. Cut the cabbage into chunks. Cut konnyaku into bite-sized pieces, score each piece in a cross-hatch pattern to allow the flavors to go in more easily, and boil.

  4. In a frying pan, add sesame oil, garlic, 1 piece of ginger, and chilli pepper, and fry. When fragrant, add the beef tendon, sprinkle with pepper, and fry. When the oil is well distributed, add the remaining ingredients and fry.




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