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Purple Sweet Potato Recipe

Purple Sweet Potato Apple Yogurt Cheesecake

Berry Waffles


18cm直徑圓形模具 1個

紫薯 100克

蘋果 1個

低筋麵粉 30克

砂糖 50克

雞蛋 2個

忌廉芝士 100克

去水乳酪 100克

鮮忌廉 200毫升

檸檬汁 2湯匙


牛油 30克

餅乾 50克

18cm diameter round mould

Purple Sweet Potato 100g

Apple 1

Cake Flour 30g

Sugar 50g

Eggs 2

Cream Cheese 100g

Strained Yogurt 100g

Heavy Cream 200ml

Lemon Juice 2 tablespoons

■ Base Crust

Butter 30g

Biscuits 50g


  1. 紫薯剝皮,煮熟(或蒸熟),趁熱時搗碎成糊狀。蘋果則連皮切成約5毫米厚的薄片。忌廉芝士與牛油放至室溫。

  2. 餅乾放入密實袋中,用擀麵棍等壓碎,加入牛油拌勻,然後壓實鋪在模具底部。

  3. 在碗中放入忌廉芝士和已去水的乳酪,用打蛋器打至軟軟的忌廉狀。加入糖和蛋攪拌勻。接著加入鮮忌廉,輕輕攪拌後,篩入低筋麵粉並混合。加入步驟①的紫薯糊和檸檬汁,充分拌勻。

  4. 將一半的麵糊倒入模具中,排放步驟①切好的蘋果片,然後倒入剩餘的麵糊。預熱至170℃的焗爐中烘烤40分鐘。

  1. Peel the purple sweet potato, boiled (or steamed), and mashed into a paste while still warm. Thinly slice the apple, about 5mm thick, with the skin left on. Allow the cream cheese and butter to return to room temperature.

  2. Place the biscuits in a plastic bag and crush them coarsely with a rolling pin or similar tool. Add the butter and mix well, then press the mixture firmly into the bottom of the mould.

  3. In a bowl, combine cream cheese and strained yogurt, and whisk until it becomes a soft, creamy consistency. Add sugar and eggs, and mix well. Then, add the heavy cream and gently mix, sifting in the cake flour. Finally, add the purple sweet potato paste from step 1 and lemon juice, and mix thoroughly.

  4. Pour half of the batter into the mould, arrange the thinly sliced apples from step 2 on top, and then pour in the remaining batter.

    Preheat the oven to 170 and bake for 40 minutes.



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