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Purple Sweet Potato Recipe

Purple Sweet Potato Nouille

Berry Waffles



沖繩紫薯 70g

紫薯粉 10g

魚柳 50g

櫻花蝦乾 10g

蛋白 1/2個

鹽 2g

中筋麵粉 40g

幼粒全麥粉 10g

葛粉(或⽚粟粉) 5g

水 10cc

橄欖油 5cc

高筋麵粉 適量

【醬汁 2種類】

蕃茄 250g

蒜頭 1片

橄欖油 適量

蘋果醋 10cc

墨汁 10g

白葡萄酒 5cc


70g purple sweet potato

10g purple sweet potato powder

50g fish fillet

10g dried shrimps

1/2 egg white

2g salt

40g all purpose flour

10g whole wheat flour

5g Honkuzu powder (or potato starch)

10cc water

5cc olive oil

Dusting flour (all purpose flour or bread flour)

[2 kinds of sauce]

1 canned tomatoes/250g tomatoes

1 clove minced garlic

Olive oil (appropriate amount)

10cc apple cider vinegar

10g squid ink

5cc white wine


  1. 紫薯用保鮮紙包好後放入700w的微波爐加熱4分鐘,再除去紫薯皮後粗切。魚柳亦同樣粗切。

  2. 將①的紫薯和魚柳、紫薯粉、櫻花蝦乾、蛋白和鹽放進食物處理器打成蓉。

  3. 用水溶掉葛粉後,加到食物處理器裏拌勻。

  4. 在食物處理器中放入中筋麵粉、幼粒全麥粉和橄欖油後輕輕攪拌至成麵團狀,然後取出。

  5. 將麵團放在碗裏後,一邊揉捏麵團,一邊加適量的高筋麵粉約5分鐘,直至麵團不再黏,然後在放在雪櫃裏約30分鐘。

  6. 將麵團桿至約2毫米厚,再切成闊1.5厘米的條狀。

  7. 在已經煮滾的水中加入少量橄欖油,在放入紫薯麵煮8分鐘。爲了不讓水煮得太滾,請根據情況随時調整火的大小。煮8分鐘候取出麵並放入凍水中冷卻,然後去除水分。

  8. 在鑊中加入橄欖油和切碎的蒜頭後開火,有香味後再加入已去皮和蕃茄籽,已粗切的蕃茄煮約5分鐘。圍着鑊邊加入蘋果醋,煮約3分鐘,直至醋已經蒸發後,蕃茄醬汁就完成了。

  9. 將⑧的醬汁的一半移到另一個鑊,再加入墨汁和白葡萄酒煮3分鐘,煮成墨汁。

  10. 在兩個有不同醬汁的鑊中加入紫薯法式麵,讓麵掛滿醬汁。

  1. Wrap the purple sweet potatoes in a piece of plastic wrap and heat in a microwave at 700w for 4 minutes. Peel and cut into pieces. Cut the fish into chunks.

  2. Add ①, purple sweet potato powder, dried shrimps, egg white, and salt in a food processor and blend into a paste.

  3. Dissolve Honkuzu powder in water and add to ②, and blend further.

  4. Add the all purpose flour, whole wheat flour, and olive oil, and blend lightly. Remove the dough from the food processor when it's formed into a ball shape.

  5. On a countertop or in a bowl, spread the dusting flour until the dough is not sticky, knead for about 5 minutes, and place in the refregirator for about 30 minutes.

  6. Roll out the dough until about 2 mm thick, then cut it into 1.5 cm wide strips.

  7. Add a small amount of olive oil to boiling water and boil ⑥ for 8 minutes. Adjust the heat so that the water does not boil over. When the noodles are cooked, cool in cold water and drain.

  8. [Tomato sauce] Add the olive oil and garlic in a frying pan and turn on the heat, once fragrant, add tomatoes and cook for 5 minutes. Pour the apple cider vinegar in from the edge of the pan and cook for 3 minutes to let the vinegar evaporate.

  9. [Squid ink sauce] Transfer half of ⑧ to another pan, add the squid ink and white wine and cook for 3 minutes.

  10. Place the nouilles in the pan with each sauce and mix into the sauce.



Learn More About Okinawa Purple Sweet Potato
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