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Shikuwasa Recipe

Shikuwasa Ice Cream

Berry Waffles


沖繩香檸汁 150g

砂糖 200g

生忌廉 150g

鹽 2g

雞蛋 1隻

蛋黃 3個

蛋白 3個

牛油 30g

雲呢拿香油 3g

150g shikuwasa juice

200g sugar

150g whipping cream

2g salt

1 egg

3 egg yolks

3 egg whites

30g butter

Vanilla extract


  1. 把沖繩香檸汁、80g砂糖、生忌廉和鹽放在鍋裏煮。 TIP.為了不使生忌廉煮滾,請使用中小火。

  2. 用打蛋器將雞蛋和蛋黃拌勻。

  3. 一邊將蛋液倒入已放涼的沖繩香檸忌廉中,一邊拌勻。

  4. 一邊加熱,一邊攪拌,直至忌廉變得少許黏稠。

  5. 當忌廉變得黏稠時熄火,加入牛油和雲呢拿香油拌勻。

  6. 放涼後過篩放到雪櫃冷藏。

  7. 分次加入餘下的砂糖到蛋白,用打蛋器拌勻。

  8. 從雪櫃中拿出沖繩香檸忌廉,分次加到蛋白裏拌勻。

  9. 把混合物倒到容器中,整理好後放到冰格冷凍6小時或以上。

  1. Place 150g shikuwasa juice, 80g white sugar, 150g whipping cream, and 2g salt in a pot and simmer. [Tip] Simmer over medium-low heat so that the whipping cream does not boil.

  2. Add 1 egg and 3 egg yolks in a bowl and beat.

  3. Add the eggs into the cooled shikwasa cream while whipping.

  4. Stir while heating until the cream is thickened.

  5. When it becomes the desired consistency, turn off the heat and stir in the 30g butter and vanilla extract.

  6. Once cooled, strain and refrigerate.

  7. Whip the egg whites while adding the rest of the sugar in several parts.

  8. Add the shikuwasa curd, which has been cooled in the refregirator, little by little and mix.

  9. Place the mixture into a container and freeze in the freezer for at least 6 hours.


另外亦含有豐富的川陳皮素、橘紅素、甜橙黃酮、橙皮素和檸檬酸等對身體非常有用的成分。沖繩香檸汁可以在City’super 、銅鑼灣SOGO、油麻地果欄葉昌欄 (Unigo Store)、Kourmet52和沖繩新垣商店( 購買。

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