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Shikuwasa Recipe

Shikuwasa Pound Cake

Berry Waffles


(長18cm x闊 7 cm x 高6cm蛋糕盆1個)

自發粉 100克

蛋 1個

無鹽牛油 50克

砂糖 40克

沖繩香檸果汁 2湯匙


粉糖 30-40克

沖繩香檸果汁 1湯匙

沖繩香檸皮 適量

[1 pound cake mold (18cm x 7cm x 6cm)]

100g pancake mix

1 egg

50g unsalted butter

40g sugar

2 tablespoon shikuwasa juice


30-40g icing sugar

1 tablespoon shikuwasa juice

Shikuwasa peel (appropriate amount)



  • 牛油及雞蛋常溫放置後將蛋打成溶液

  • 將自發粉篩好備用

  • 焗爐170度預熱

  • 蛋糕盆內放上牛油紙

  • 將沖繩香檸皮薄薄批出再切成小粒

  1. 無鹽牛油和砂糖一同攪勻至淺黃色。

  2. 加入蛋溶液攪勻後放入沖繩香檸果汁,再攪至均勻。

  3. 加入自發粉後用刮刀攪勻。

  4. 將③倒進蛋糕盆內,放進已預熱焗爐焗25-30分鐘。

  5. 用竹籤插入蛋糕再抽出來,沒有黏附粉漿便成。

  6. 蛋糕冷卻期間,可預備裝飾用粉糖。將粉糖,沖繩香檸果汁攪勻待用。

  7. 粉糖漿均勻地塗於蛋糕表面,灑上香檸皮後待凝固便完成。


  • Bring the butter and egg to room temperature.

  • Preheat the oven to 170°C.

  • Line a pound cake mold with parchment paper.

  • Carefully peel off the thin skin of the shikuwasa and roughly chop the peel.


  1. In a bowl, mix butter and sugar until it turns white.

  2. Add the beaten egg to ① and mix well, then add the shikwasa juice and mix well.

  3. Add pancake mix to ② and mix with a rubber spatula.

  4. Put ③ in a pound cake mold and bake in the oven for about 25 to 30 minutes. (If you stick a bamboo skewer into the cake and the dough doesn't stick, it's done.)

  5. Once ④ is no longer hot, mix the ingredients for icing together in a bowl to make icing.

  6. Remove the cake from the mold, pour the icing over the cake, and place the shikuwasa peel on top. When the icing hardens, the cake is ready.


另外亦含有豐富的川陳皮素、橘紅素、甜橙黃酮、橙皮素和檸檬酸等對身體非常有用的成分。沖繩香檸汁可以在City’super 、銅鑼灣SOGO、油麻地果欄葉昌欄 (Unigo Store)、Kourmet52和沖繩新垣商店( 購買。

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