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Shikuwasa Recipe

Shikuwasa Tart

Berry Waffles



無鹽牛油 40g  

糖 15g

蛋黃 1個  

麵粉 60g

杏仁粉 20g


100%沖繩香檸汁 60CC 

雞蛋 1個 

砂糖 60g 

無鹽牛油 50g


忌廉芝士 80g  

粉糖 10g  

忌廉 1湯匙

[5 servings of 7cm tarts]

【Tart crust】

・40g unsalted butter 

・15g sugar 

・1 egg yolk 

・60g cake flour 

・20g almond power

【Shikuwasa curd】

・60 cc shikuwasa juice

・1 egg 

・60g cane sugar 

・50g unsalted butter

【Cream cheese】

・80g cream cheese 

・10g powdered sugar 

・1 tbsp. whipping cream



  1. 將牛油置於常溫,加入砂糖後攪拌。分次加入蛋黃混合。

  2. 再將麵粉和杏仁粉慢慢加入,輕輕混合後,包上保鮮膜後放置於冷藏櫃一晚。

  3. 將薄薄一層的麵糰倒入模型中,再放入冷藏櫃。

  4. 取出後放入烘焙石,以180℃的焗爐烤20分鐘,取出烘焙石後再烤10分鐘。


  1. 將蛋打勻後過濾,和其他材料一起放入小鍋子裏。

  2. 隔熱水加熱,用扁平木杓混合至適當的硬度後,移至保存容器。


  1. 將置於常溫的忌廉芝士用打蛋器攪拌,加入粉糖繼續攪拌,再加入忌廉後攪拌。

  2. 將忌廉芝士倒入的撻裡約一半高,再放入香檸蛋黃醬,待其冷卻即可。

【Tart crust】

  1. Mix butter at room temperature and blend with sugar. Gradually add the egg yolk and mix.

  2. Add sifted cake flour and almond powder, and mix lightly. Wrap the dough in the plastic wrap and store in the refrigerator overnight.

  3. Spread the dough thinly in a pan and refrigerate again.

  4. Put weights in the pan and bake for 20 minutes at 180 C degrees, and another 10 minutes without the weights.

【Shikuwasa curd】

  1. Beat the egg, put through a sieve and combine with other ingredients in a saucepan.

  2. Heat the saucepan in hot water while mixing with a wooden spatula to the desired firmness. Store in a jar.

【Cream cheese cream】

  1. Beat cream cheese at room temperature, add powdered sugar and mix well.

  2. Add whipping cream and mix well. Pour the cream cheese mixture about half way up the tart crusts and layer the shikuwasa curd on top. Refrigerate well.


另外亦含有豐富的川陳皮素、橘紅素、甜橙黃酮、橙皮素和檸檬酸等對身體非常有用的成分。沖繩香檸汁可以在City’super 、銅鑼灣SOGO、油麻地果欄葉昌欄 (Unigo Store)、Kourmet52和沖繩新垣商店( 購買。

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