【活動已完結 | Ended】
沖繩美味紀行 | Flavours of Okinawa

在活動期間,一次過購買4款沖繩商品的話,可以獲得沖繩星砂鎖匙扣一個;而一次過購買沖繩商品6個的話,則可以獲得沖繩精美布袋一個。另外,購買沖繩產品後,填寫並提交網上問卷,亦可獲贈Mini One原味及朱古力牛角酥各一個。(禮品數量有限,送完即止。網上問卷活動詳情請參店内單張)
將軍澳Popcorn F86號舖
DONQ "Flavours of Okinawa" will be held from 22 May to 11 June, 2023. In addition to introducing bread made with Okinawa ingredients, DONQ will also bring popular products from its Okinawa branch to Hong Kong!
The bread made by using Okinawa ingredients this time includes Okinawa Sea Salt Bread, Okinawa Brown Sugar Syrup Jelly Cream Bread, and Okinawa Brown Sugar Syrup Jelly Red Bean Green Tea Crispy Bread. As for the popular products from DONQ Okinawa that will be brought to Hong Kong, they are Earl Grey Cinnamon Apple, Black Tea Raisin Melon Bread, Seaweed Cheese Crisps, Beef Tendon Curry Bread, and Morning Egg.
During the event, if you purchase 4 Okinawa products at once, you will receive an Okinawa star-shaped sand keychain. If you purchase 6 Okinawa products at once, you will receive a special Okinawa totebag. Additionally, after purchasing Okinawa products, you can fill out and submit an online questionnaire to receive one Mini One original flavor and one chocolate croissant as gifts. (Gifts are limited in quantity and available while supplies last. Please refer to the leaflet in-store for details on the online questionnaire activity.)
DONQ "Flavours of Okinawa"
Duration: 22nd May to 11th June, 2023
Shop 30, B2/F, Sogo, 555 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay
Shop NP-13-002, B1/F, Harbour North Phase 2, 123 Java Road, North Point
Shop F86, 1/F, PopCorn 2, 9 Tong Yin Street, Tseung Kwan O
Shop G11, G/F, Skyline Plaza, 88 Tai Ho Road, Tsuen Wan