【活動已完結 | Ended】
牡蠣祭×沖繩香檸沙瓦 | Okinawa Festival x Shikuwasa Sour

由9月1日起至10月31日,串カツ専門店 JunG39 JAPAN、弁慶 御好燒 鐵板燒、Kagura牡蠣小屋和Yakitori Kobako將會舉行牡蠣祭,每間店舖除了有限定的牡蠣菜式之外,亦準備了不同與牡蠣非常合襯的飲料,包括有使用了冷凍沖繩香檸果實的沖繩香檸沙瓦(Shikuwasa Sour)。每杯沖繩香檸沙瓦都使用了約8粒沖繩香檸,酸爽的沖繩香檸果實再加上日本酒,味道非常清爽!
1. 串カツ専門店 JunG39 JAPAN (銅鑼灣軒尼詩道499號永光商業大廈17樓)
2. 弁慶 御好燒 鐵板燒 (中環士丹利街11號Stanley 11 6樓)
3. Kagura牡蠣小屋 (銅鑼灣駱克道459-461號The L.Square10樓)
4. Yakitori Kobako 湾仔店 (灣仔汕頭街30號意適樓地舖)
Starting from September 1 to October 31, JunG39 JAPAN, BENKEI Okonomiyaki Teppanyaki, Kagura, and Yakitori Kobako will hold an oyster festival. Each restaurant offers a limited oyster menu and a variety of beverages to complement the oysters, including "Shikuwasa Sour," which is made with frozen fruits of shikuwasa. About 8 shikuwasa is used for each glass of shikuwasa sour, and the sourness of shikuwasa combined with sake makes a very refreshing drink!
Shikuwasa sour made with the actual fruits of shikuwasa is very rare in Hong Kong. Don't miss the chance to try it by visiting these restaurants during the event!
Oyster festical & shikuwasa sour
Event Period:September 1 to October 31, 2022
Retaurants Holding the Event:
1. 串カツ専門店 JunG39 JAPAN (17/F, Circle Plaza, 499 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay)
2. BENKEI Okonomiyaki Teppanyaki (6/F, Stanley 11, 11 Stanley Street, Central)
3. Kagura牡蠣小屋 (10/F, The L Square , 459-461 Lockhart Road, Causeway Bay)
4. Yakitori Kobako Wan Chai Branch (G/F, Yee Sik Mansion, 30 Swatow Street, Wan Chai)
*For event details, please visit Facebook page of each restaurant.