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Awamori Recipe

Steam Asari Clam with Awamori

Berry Waffles

材料 | Ingredients: 

蜆 400g

蒜頭 1片

辣椒 1/2條

沖繩泡盛 4湯匙

醬油 1茶匙

蔥花 適量

油 2茶匙

400g asari clams

1 clove garlic

1/2 chili pepper

4 tablespoon Awamori

1 teaspoon soy sauce

Green onion (appropriate amount)

2 teaspoon oil

步驟 | Steps:

  1. 蜆吐沙後,用手將蜆殼互相磨擦,搓揉洗淨。蒜頭切碎,去除辣椒中的辣椒籽備用。

  2. 在鑊中倒入油、蒜頭和辣椒,用細火加熱,當開始有香氣時放入蜆,然後用大火輕輕地炒。

  3. 在鑊中加入沖繩泡盛,蓋上鑊蓋蒸。當蜆煮至開口時,加入醬油和蔥花炒勻後熄火就完成。

  1. After getting rid of the sand from asari clams, wash them well by rubbing the clams' shells against each other. Mince the garlic and remove the seeds from the chili pepper.

  2. Heat the oil, garlic, and chili pepper in a frying pan over low heat. When fragrant, add the asari clams, turn the heat to high, and fry lightly.

  3. Add Awamori to ②, cover with a lid, and steam. When the clams are open, add soy sauce and green onions, mix quickly and turn off the heat.

泡盛屬於蒸餾酒,含有的不純物較少,所以不容易引起宿醉。在100毫升,酒精含量15%的日本清酒中有103卡路里,但因泡盛不含糖分,100毫升的泡盛只有59卡路里。 此外,用黑麴菌釀造的泡盛酒經過3年或以上的儲藏就會成為「古酒」,「古酒」的口感柔和醇美,比普通的泡盛更為香醇。

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