Bitter Gourd Recipe
Bitter Gourd Chijimi Pancake

材料 | Ingredients:
沖繩苦瓜 半條
豬肉片 70g
麵粉 100g
雞蛋 1個
水 150cc
鹽 適量
胡椒 適量
油 1湯匙
醬油 2湯匙
醋 4湯匙
芝麻 1湯匙
1/2 bitter gourd
70g thin sliced pork
100g flour
1 egg
150cc water
Salt (appropriate amount)
Pepper (appropriate amount)
1 tablespoon oil
2 tablespoon soy sauce
4 tablespoon vinegar
1 tablespoon roasted sesame seeds
[optional] Ichimi Togarashi (red chili pepper powder) or chili oil
步驟 | Steps:
Cut the bitter gourd in half vertically, remove the guts, and cut into thin slices.
Crack the egg into a bowl and beat, and mix with water. Add sifted flour, salt, and pepper, and mix further.
Add the bitter gourd and pork to ②, and mix.
Heat oil in a frying pan, pour in half of the mixture in the step ③, shape into a round shape and cook over medium heat. When the surface becomes dry, turn over and cook the other side. Cook until both sides are browned.
苦瓜是沖繩代表性的蔬菜,含有豐富的維他命C,由於這種維他命C經過加熱也不會損失,所以最適合做為炒菜的材料。苦味成分中的MOMORUDESIN具有健胃和增進食欲之效,普遍認為還可以降低血糖。 沖繩的蔬菜為了能在海風和強烈的紫外線下生存,所以具有強勁的生命力,和日本其他地區的蔬菜相比更具有抗氧化作用。