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Bitter Gourd Recipe

Bitter Gourd Shumai

Berry Waffles

材料 | Ingredients: 

免治豬肉 200g

沖繩麩 1條

苦瓜 1/4條(約80g)

生薑蓉 1茶匙

酒 2茶匙

醬油 2茶匙

雞粉 1茶匙

日式燒賣皮 20塊

青豆 適量

菜葉 適量

200g ground pork

1 Okinawa Fu (Japanese wheat gluten)

1/4 (about 80g) bitter gourd

1 teaspoon grated ginger

2 teaspoon cooking sake

2 teaspoon soy sauce

1 teaspoon chicken stock powder

20 Japanese shumai wrappers

Green peas (appropriate amount)

Leafy vegetables (appropriate amount)

Soy sauce (appropriate amount)

步驟 | Steps:

  1. 將麩浸水至軟身(約15分鐘左右),用手把沖繩麩撕成小件後擠出水份。

  2. 將苦瓜打長切開後,除掉種子和瓤,再切成約5mm的小粒,然後用微波爐加熱約1-2分鐘。

  3. 在碗中加入免治豬肉、①的沖繩麩、生薑蓉、酒、醬油和雞粉,攪拌至有黏性後,加入已除去水分的苦瓜粒拌勻。

  4. 將③的混合物分成20等份,再用日式燒賣皮包着,在上面放青豆裝飾。

  5. 將苦瓜燒賣放入蒸籠中蒸約10分鐘

  6. 在碟上放菜葉後,放上苦瓜燒賣。

  1. Put water and the Okinawa fu in a bowl and soak until soft, drain by squeezing the water out, and break into small pieces by hand.

  2. Cut the bitter gourd in half, remove the guts, cut into about 5 mm cubes, and microwave for 1-2 minutes. Remove the excess water and set aside.

  3. In a bowl, add ground pork, ①, grated ginger, cooking sake, soy sauce, and chicken stock powder, mix until it becomes sticky, then mix in the bitter gourd.

  4. Divide ③ into 20 equal portions, wrap each portion with the shumai wrapper and decorate with a piece of green pea on the top.

  5. Steam ④ in a steamer for about 10 minutes.

  6. Line the leafy vegetasbles of your choice on a plate and place the shumai on top. Place a small plate of soy sauce on the side, if desired.

苦瓜是沖繩代表性的蔬菜,含有豐富的維他命C,由於這種維他命C經過加熱也不會損失,所以最適合做為炒菜的材料。苦味成分中的MOMORUDESIN具有健胃和增進食欲之效,普遍認為還可以降低血糖。 沖繩的蔬菜為了能在海風和強烈的紫外線下生存,所以具有強勁的生命力,和日本其他地區的蔬菜相比更具有抗氧化作用。

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