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Bitter Gourd Recipe

Bitter Gourd Somen

Berry Waffles

材料 | Ingredients: 

素麵 3束

沖繩水雲 100g

沖繩苦瓜 1條

鹽 適量

日本生薑(切絲) 1條

雞蛋 1個

油 適量

吞拿魚罐頭 1罐

鰹魚絲 適量

日式冷麵汁(4倍濃縮) 3.5湯匙

檸檬片 4塊

菜葉 適量

3 bundles somen noodles

100g mozuku

1 bitter gourd

Salt (appropriate amount)

1 Japanese ginger

1 egg

Oil (appropriate amount)

1 canned tuna

Thin-shredded dried bonito (appropriate amount)

3.5 tablespoon 4倍濃縮 mentsuyu (noodle soup base, 4 x concentrated)

4 lemon slices

leafy vegetables (appropriate amount)

步驟 | Steps:

  1. 先將素麵煮熟。洗一洗水雲,切成適合的長短後,與素麵拌勻。

  2. 將苦瓜切薄片,用鹽醃至出水,再除去水分。

  3. 在平底鑊中落油,雞蛋加少許鹽後打勻,倒入鑊中,再煎成薄蛋皮,最後將蛋皮切絲。

  4. 除去吞拿魚罐頭中多餘的油,再加入苦瓜、日本生薑、鰹魚絲和日式冷麵汁拌勻調味。

  5. 在碟上放上菜葉,再放上①的素麵和水雲,然後再放上④的食材,最後加上檸檬片。

  1. Boil the somen noodles. Rinse the mozuku seaweed, cut into chunks, and combine with the somen noodles.

  2. Cut the bitter gourd into thin slices, sprinkle with salt to soften, and remove the excess water. Cut Japanese ginger into thin strips.

  3. Whisk the egg and season with salt. Swirl oil to coat the frying-pan. Pour the egg into the pan and make a thin layer of egg crepe. Take it out of the pan and cut into thin strips.

  4. Remove the excess oil from the canned tuna and combine with ② and thin-shredded dried bonito. Add mentsuyu and adjust the taste.

  5. Spread leafy vegetables on a plate, place ① and ④ on top, scatter ③ and garnish with lemon.

苦瓜是沖繩代表性的蔬菜,含有豐富的維他命C,由於這種維他命C經過加熱也不會損失,所以最適合做為炒菜的材料。苦味成分中的MOMORUDESIN具有健胃和增進食欲之效,普遍認為還可以降低血糖。 沖繩的蔬菜為了能在海風和強烈的紫外線下生存,所以具有強勁的生命力,和日本其他地區的蔬菜相比更具有抗氧化作用。

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