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Purple Sweet Potato Recipe

Purple Sweet Potato Tart

Berry Waffles

材料 | Ingredients: 

現成撻殼 8個

沖繩紫薯 350g

白砂糖 90g

無鹽牛油 12g

蛋黃 1個

淡忌廉 20g

日本豆沙餡 60g

8 tart shells

350g purple sweet potatoes

90g granulated sugar

12g unsalted butter

1 egg yolk

20g whipping cream

60g mashed Azuki bean paste

步驟 | Steps:

  1. 沖繩紫薯切成約1cm厚的圓片,然後蒸至變得柔軟,再用搗碎器壓爛。

  2. 趁沖繩紫薯蓉還熱時,加入白砂糖、無鹽牛油和蛋黃拌勻。

  3. 在②的混合物中加入淡忌廉和日本豆沙餡拌勻。

  4. 將混合物放在唧袋中,並在撻殼上唧出混合物。

  5. 放入已預熱至170℃的焗爐中焗約15分鐘。

  1. Cut the purple sweet potatoes into 1 cm wide round slices, soften them in a steamer, and mash them with a masher.

  2. While the purple sweet potatoes are still warm, add the granulated sugar, unsalted butter, and egg yolk, and mix well.

  3. Add the whipping cream and mashed Azuki bean paste to the mixture from ②, and mix.

  4. Put the mixture into a pastry bag and squeeze it out onto the tart shells.

  5. Bake in the oven at 170℃ for about 15 minutes.



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