Seaweed Recipe
Starter with Sea Grape & Smoked Salmon

材料 | Ingredients:
青瓜 1條
煙三文魚 適量
洋蔥 1/8個
薯仔 1個(細)
牛奶 約1湯匙
海葡萄 適量
1 cucumber
Smoked salmon (appropriate amount)
1/8 onion
1 small potato
1 or more tablespoon milk
Sea grapes (appropriate amount)
步驟 | Steps:
Peel the potato, cut into appropriate sized pieces and place in a pot, add enough water to cover them, and boil. Finely chop the onion and soak in the water.
Get rid of the hot water when the potatoes are cooked through. Mash the potatoes with a masher, add the milk, mix with a wooden spoon over low heat until smooth, and turn off the heat. Drain the onion and add into the mixture.
Cut the cucumber into thin slices using a peeler, and wipe off the excess water with a piece of paper towel.
Place smoked salmon and ball-shaped mashed potatoes on the edge of the cucumber slice, and roll around them.
Place sea grapes on ④ to garnish.