Shikuwasa Recipe
Shikuwasa Choux au Craquelin

材料 | Ingredients:
A沖繩香檸汁 130g
A生忌廉 30g
A砂糖 80g
B生忌廉 200g
B砂糖 20g
牛油 40g
檸檬香油 3g
雞蛋 1隻
蛋黃 4個
無鹽牛油 50g
砂糖 40g
低筋麵粉 50g
杏仁粉 10g
水 40g
牛油 50g
牛奶 50g
鹽 2g
低筋麵粉 55g
雞蛋 2隻
[Shikuwasa Curd Cream]
[A] 130g shikuwasa juice
[A] 30g whipping cream
[A] 80g white sugar
[B] 200g whipping cream
[B] 20g sugar
40g butter
3g lemon extract
1 egg
4 egg yolks
[Craquelin dough]
50g unsalted butter
40g sugar
50g cake flour
10g almond powder
[Cream puff dough]
40g water
50g butter
30g milk
2g salt
55g cake flour
2 eggs
步驟 | Steps:
將A的沖繩香檸汁、生忌廉和砂糖倒入鍋裏煮。 TIP.為了不使生忌廉煮滾,請使用小火。
與⑥的沖繩香檸吉士忌廉以1:1的比例拌勻。 TIP.如果想有更多沖繩香檸的酸甜味,可加入更多沖繩香檸吉士忌廉。
在預熱成200℃的焗爐中用190℃焗15分鐘,再用160℃焗10分鐘。 TIP.請根據自己的焗爐來調整温度及時間
在脆皮泡芙的中間唧入沖繩香檸夾心忌廉。 TIP.有少許忌廉溢出來即代表脆皮泡芙內已唧滿忌廉。
[Shikuwasa Curd Cream]
Place 130g shikuwasa juice, 30g whipping cream, and 80g white sugar marked as [A] in a pot and simmer. Tip: simmer over low heat so that the whipping cream does not overflow.
Beat 1 egg and 4 egg yolks with a wisk.
Add the eggs into the cooled shikwasa mixture from step (1).
Simmer over low heat.
When it becomes the desired consistency, turn off the heat. Add 40g butter and 3g lemon extract and stir.
Strain through a sieve, and store in a refrigerator.
Beat 200g whipping cream and 20g sugar marked as [B] to medium peaks.
Add the shikwasa curd cream from (6) into the whipped cream in a 1:1 ratio and mix. Add more shikuwasa curd cream if you want to taste the sourness of shikuwasa even more.
[Craquelin dough]
Mix the room temperature unsalted butter and sugar together until it becomes a cream-like texture.
Sift 50g cake flour and 10g almond powder together.
Form the dough into a lump.
Place the dough in between 2 pieces of parchment paper and press with a rolling pin to flatten it out to the thickness of 2 mm.
Place the dough in a freezer for 1 hour.
[Cream puff dough]
Add 50g butter, 30g milk, 40g water, and 2g salt in a pot and cook.
When it comes to a boil, add the cake flour.
Stir and cook over medium heat for about 1 minute 15 seconds to make the texture smooth.
Transfer the mixture into a bowl and let it cool. Then knead while adding 2 eggs in several parts.
Fill a pastry bag with the dough and squeeze the dough out into the size of your liking onto a piece of parchment paper.
Take the craquelin dough out of the freezer and cut it out into the size that fits the cream puff dough using a mold.
Place the craquelin dough on top of the cream puff dough.
Bake (7) in a 200 degree oven at 190 degrees for 15 minutes, then bake at 160 degrees for an additional 10 minutes.Tip: Adjust the time and temperature according to the oven specifications.
Gently open the oven door and allow the baked choux to cool gradually before taking them out.
Punch a hole on the bottom of the choux.
Fill the choux with shikwasa curd cream. Tip: fill it to the point that the cream flows out a little.
另外亦含有豐富的川陳皮素、橘紅素、甜橙黃酮、橙皮素和檸檬酸等對身體非常有用的成分。沖繩香檸汁可以在City’super 、銅鑼灣SOGO、油麻地果欄葉昌欄 (Unigo Store)、Kourmet52和沖繩新垣商店( 購買。